Mastering Interior Design with the Core 4 Organising Method

When it comes to interior design, the primary goal is to create spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional. The Core 4 Organising Method is an innovative approach that has been gaining popularity among designers and homeowners alike. This method focuses on four key areas: decluttering, categorising, optimising, and maintaining. Each of these steps is designed to streamline the process of organizing a space, making it easier to achieve a balanced and harmonious environment.


The first step in the Core 4 Organising Method is decluttering. This is the process of removing unnecessary items from a space to create a clean and open environment. Decluttering is essential because it sets the foundation for the rest of the organizing process. Without eliminating excess, it becomes difficult to move forward effectively.

When decluttering, it’s important to be ruthless. Ask yourself if each item serves a purpose or brings you joy. If it doesn’t, it’s time to let it go. This might mean donating, recycling, or disposing of items that no longer fit into your life. Decluttering can be a daunting task, especially if you’re attached to your belongings, but it’s a crucial step in creating a functional and beautiful space.


Once the space has been decluttered, the next step is categorising. This involves grouping similar items together based on their function or where they are used. For example, in a kitchen, you might group all baking supplies together in one cabinet and all cooking spices in another. In a living room, books might be categorised by genre or colour and placed on a bookshelf accordingly.

Categorising not only helps to keep things organised but also makes it easier to find items when you need them. It creates a system that can be maintained over time, reducing the likelihood of the space becoming cluttered again. This step is all about creating a sense of order and ensuring that everything has its place.


Optimisation is where the Core 4 Organising Method really begins to shine. After decluttering and categorising, the next step is to optimise the space. This means arranging items in a way that maximises the use of the available space and enhances the room’s functionality.

Optimisation might involve rearranging furniture to create a better flow, using storage solutions like shelves, bins, and baskets to keep items organised, or even incorporating multi-functional furniture pieces that serve more than one purpose. The goal is to create a space that works for you and your lifestyle, making daily tasks easier and more enjoyable.

One of the key principles of optimisation is accessibility. Frequently used items should be easy to reach, while less-used items can be stored in less accessible places. This step is about creating a layout that supports your day-to-day activities while still maintaining a visually appealing space.


The final step in the Core 4 Organising Method is maintaining the organisation you’ve created. This step is often the most challenging because it requires consistent effort over time. However, maintenance is crucial for ensuring that the space remains functional and clutter-free.

Maintenance can be as simple as setting aside a few minutes each day to put things back in their designated places or doing a quick declutter at the end of each week. Flooring maintenance, such as regular cleaning and care, is also essential to keep the space looking its best. For example, vacuuming carpets, sweeping real wooden flooring, or mopping luxury vinyl tiles regularly will ensure that the flooring remains in top condition, complementing the overall organised appearance of the room.

The key is to develop habits that prevent clutter from building up again. Over time, these habits will become second nature, making it easier to keep the space organised and beautiful.

Why This Method Works

The Core 4 Organising Method is effective because it provides a clear and structured approach to organising any space. By breaking the process down into four manageable steps, it eliminates the overwhelm that often comes with organising. This method is also highly adaptable, making it suitable for any room in the home, from the kitchen to the bedroom, the living room to the home office.

Another reason this method works so well is that it focuses not just on the physical aspects of organisation but also on the habits and systems needed to maintain it. By addressing both the immediate need for order and the long-term challenges of maintaining it, the Core 4 Organising Method provides a comprehensive solution that is sustainable over time.

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